
In mobile and pervasive computing applications, opportunistic connections allow co-located devices to exchange data directly. Keeping data sharing local enables large-scale cooperative applications and empowers individual users to control what and how information is shared. Supporting such applications requires runtime frameworks that allow them to manage the who, what, when, and how of access to resources. Existing frameworks have limited expressiveness and do not allow data owners to modulate the granularity of information released. In addition, these frameworks focus exclusively on security and privacy concerns of data providers and do not consider the privacy of data consumers. We present PADEC, a context-sensitive, privacy-aware framework that allows users to define rich access control rules over their resources and to attach levels of granularity to each rule. PADEC is also characterized by its expressiveness, allowing users to decide under which conditions should which information be shared. We provide a formal definition of PADEC and an implementation based on private function evaluation. Our evaluation shows that PADEC is more expressive than other mechanisms, protecting privacy of both consumers and providers.

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