
The study and generalization of foreign experience is a value for Ukraine, which has set itself the task of integration into the world community and can be an important source of thorough thinking and creative use of positive ideas in domestic theory and practice of physical education and sports. This article analyzes the content and features of the organization of intramural (in-school) sports in the United States. The study found that intramural sports in the United States are an integral part of the overall education program, which provides an opportunity to involve children with different levels of development of motor skills and qualities in motor activities outside of physical education lessons. Participation in intramural sports programs is voluntary. It is determined that the intramural sports program in the United States is characterized by certain features that must be taken into account for its successful implementation. It was found that, first of all, American specialists determine the direction (nature) of the sports program and possible types of physical activity, taking into account the wishes of students; it is important to properly plan and compile a quality schedule for classes in compliance with the capacity of existing sports facilities; it is obligatory to observe the rules of admission of students to classes and competitions, as well as their annual medical examination; implementation of the sports program is carried out with the use of modern information technologies; the accounting and evaluation of the program is constantly carried out; proper administration and quality arbitration are of great importance; special attention is paid to the competition procedure itself and the determination of winners; a special place is given to the financing of programs and their support and promotion.


  • Чопик Р.В. к.пед.н., доцент, доцент кафедри теорії та методики фізичного виховання, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет ім

  • The study and generalization of foreign experience is a value for Ukraine, which has set itself the task of integration into the world community and can be an important source of thorough thinking and creative use of positive ideas in domestic theory and practice of physical education and sports

  • The study found that intramural sports in the United States are an integral part of the overall education program, which provides an opportunity to involve children with different levels of development of motor skills and qualities in motor activities outside of physical education lessons

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Чопик Р.В. к.пед.н., доцент, доцент кафедри теорії та методики фізичного виховання, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет ім. У ході проведеного дослідження, встановлено що інтрамуральний спорт у США є інтегральною частиною загальної програми освіти, що надає можливість залучати дітей з різними рівнем розвитку рухових вмінь та якостей до рухової діяльності поза межами уроків фізичного виховання.

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