
The subject of this research is the level of content of China’s users with the provided services on the Internet access. The article examines the technical characteristics of information and communication networks in China, coverage of territory with the services of mobile Internet. Attention is given to preferences of Chinese Internet users with regards to services of information and telecommunication companies. The article is dedicated to examination of sociology of the Internet in China; reviews the question of age and gender stratification, preferences in using separate apps, software and services using the Internet; economic preferences of Chinese Internet users. The author comes to the conclusion the over the recent years the Internet in China took a quantum leap at the level of infiltration into society, as well as technical support means. Taking into account the emergence of 5G technologies, there is high potential for development. The author underlines that the government policy in the area of Internet formed a particular behavior pattern of Chinese users – they are presented as responsible and disciplined, eager to pay for the content, actively use subscription services, and demonstrate increase in Internet usage. A conclusion is made that the potential for development of digital economy in the country is especially high.

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