
Vegetation of five small water basins of the Becej fishpond complex (Yugoslavia) was surveyed. Phytocoenological features, abundance, covering and sociality served the basis for giving special attention to the four macrophytic species being dominant in the basins. All the four belong to a high emergent plant group (Phragmites australis TRIN. ex STEUD., Typha angustifolia L., T. latifolia L., and Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) PALLA.). Total ash content and content of macro- (N, P, K) and microelements (Fe, Mn, Zn) were assessed. The highest ash values were obtained with rhizome and root. Also, significant macro- and microelement data were recorded in four analysed plant organs (rhizome and root, stem, leaf, and inflorescence). The highest nitrogen content (2.31 ± 0.12 %) was recorded in Ph. australis inflorescence, high phosphorus levels in T. latifolia inflorescence (0.29 ± 0.00 %), while the highest potassium content was found in Sch. lacustris leaves (13.83 ± 0.08 g kg -1 ). The highest micronutrient values were obtained with rhizome and root. The above data suggest a promising role of these species in organic fertilizer (compost) production, feeding of herbivorous fishes, and in lowering the aquatic ecosystem nutrient load directly impeding eutrophication.

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