
The purpose of this paper was to determine whether soils, located in the vicinity of the aluminium plant in Podgorica, are polluted with fluorine. For this purpose 60 soil samples (26 of brown and 34 of alluvial soil) were collected from two depths (0 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm). Total and available fluorine were determined by potentiometric method, after necessary preparations of soil samples for the analysis. It was found that in almost all soil samples the content of total fluorine was above 300 mg/kg - maximum permissible value for the content of this element in agricultural soils. Highest values were found on locations southwards of the aluminium plant. However, the content of available fluorine (soluble in water) in the soil samples is very low (average value is 0.70 mg/kg) indicating that major part of deposited fluorine had transformed itself into insoluble compounds like CaF2.

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