
Methods. The results were obtained with the application of the following methods: abstraction – when highlighting the essence of content marketing; structural-logical and semantic analysis – to clarify and organize terminology; comparison – to systematize types of content and determine the differences between platforms for content promotion and information visualization; system analysis – to develop the stages of content marketing strategy formation; methods of graphic analysis – for visualization of the content marketing strategy map; logical generalization of the results – for the development of recommendations and conclusions. Results. Approaches to the definition of Internet marketing as a tool for improving the activities of enterprises are considered, the essence of the concept of content and content marketing is analyzed, the areas of their application and their place in the marketing activities of enterprises are determined. The specifics of the application of content marketing in the activities of companies are analyzed. The most popular types of content are considered, their characteristics are given, the most popular channels and social networks that are used as platforms for content distribution are given. The periodic table of content marketing according to K. Lake was studied and analyzed, the main principles of the corresponding table and its main elements were studied. The specifics of using the POST method for the development of a content marketing strategy and its main elements are analyzed. The indicators of the effectiveness of the use of various channels of information distribution and types of content were analyzed by using the main metrics, including indicators that measure the size of the audience, the response and loyalty of subscribers, as well as the level of their involvement. The main directions of improving the use of content marketing for modern Ukrainian companies are outlined. Novelty. A comprehensive content marketing strategy map has been developed, which contains conceptual provisions on the stages of creating a content marketing strategy, as a tool for improving the company’s marketing strategy. Practical value. The proposed comprehensive map of the content marketing strategy is a visual basis and a step-by-step model for developing a marketing strategy for a company of any industry, which makes it possible not only to visualize information about the marketing activities of the enterprise, but also to form an effective toolkit that combines types, types of content, to determine promotion platforms, analyze the experience of competitors, create a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed measures, create an effective content plan, organize its implementation, evaluate the effectiveness of the content marketing strategy in qualitative and quantitative terms, and make a decision to adjust them if necessary.

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