
The purpose of the article. In the process of research, the essence of the concept «contemporary pop vocal-performing thesaurus» was substantiated and its structure was highlighted. The study conducted from the standpoint of the principle of cultural-conformity, which is understood as a direct connection of educational content from current culture. The methodological basis of this research is: a interdisciplinary approach that involves the use in the theoretical substantiation of the concept of «contemporary pop vocal-performing thesaurus» of existing systematic knowledge in various sience fields; a holistic approach that built on a world-view synthesis of all knowledge about the value of holistic human development; a praxiological approach whose purpose is interaction that creates conditions for self-development, self-education, free choice, personal and practical success. Scientific novelty lies in the addition of the categorical apparatus of the native art history and vocal pedagogy with a new contemporary term. Conclusions. The article outlines the characteristic features of the pop music genre and the specific features of new contemporary non-classical vocal techniques. The concept of «contemporary pop vocal-performing thesaurus» as a is a personal-activity quality that has a cognitive and creative essence and constitutes an individual-professional resource of a performer, which gives an opportunity to present a bright, unique artistic-performing interpretation of a pop vocal composition is defined. It also covers the structural elements of the contemporary pop vocal-performing thesaurus, namely: cognitive, vocal-technical, technological, artistic, communication, interpretive and artistic-figurative components.

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