
The industries of mobile and television technologies are heading toward convergence in the shape of mobile television. Content is assumed to be a main key factor for the success of this ICT innovation as a possible new mass medium. As most trials to date tend to be sponsored by strategic stakeholders and have a technology-driven approach, we aimed for a more user-centric research methodology within MADUF, Flanders’ mobile TV trial. To this end, a meta-analysis on mobile TV user studies was carried out, a panel of 35 experts was surveyed and a user study with 405 respondents was conducted. Within this chapter, we present a SWOT-analysis for possible content on mobile TV, based on all previous research results.KeywordsMobile ServiceContent TypeMobile TelevisionMobile ContentAdult ContentThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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