
The purpose of this study is to estimate the migration of heavy metals (HMs) and As into the water of the Ardon river, and their content in the soils of the areas adjacent to the Unal Tailings Pond (UTP) caused due to the industrial waste of the Mizur Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise (OMPE) (North Ossetia). The main survey loops for experimental research and collection of biogeochemical materials are located in the Ardon river basin where the major abandoned polymetallic fields of the Republic are located. Soil samples were taken from 20 sites throughout the Ardon river and within the UTP. HMs and As levels in the water, alluvium, soils samples were determined using the atomic-absorption spectroscopy (AAS) in its flame version and/or electrothermal atomisation. We have determined that UTP wastewater discharge into the Ardon river along with Me introduction with waters of the Unaldon river, as well as the dust/pulp coming from UTP followed by the formation of bottom polymetallic anomalies provide a significant contribution to the Me pollution of the Ardon. High Me content in soil and slurry as a result of its deflation and in UTP effluents may lead to Me absorption by plants and other organisms. The data obtained reflect the processes of modern transformation of mountain taxa of the biosphere with a technogenic component and can be used for remediation of contaminated areas.

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