
This research study employs the methodological approach of content analysis to examine consumer complaints related to service establishments involved in the sale of agricultural products. The primary objective of this study is to extract valuable insights from consumer feedback, identifying prominent concerns and issues. This analysis aims to reveal recurring patterns and pinpoint areas necessitating improvement within the realm of agricultural product retail. To achieve this objective, an extensive dataset of consumer complaints will be amassed from various sources, encompassing online platforms, consumer forums, and social media channels. Additionally, personal interviews were conducted with twenty-four (24) mothers to gather their perspectives on customer service within the agricultural business sector. The data gathered will then undergo a rigorous content analysis procedure. This involves methodically categorizing and subjecting the complaints to thematic analysis. Through the utilization of this methodology, the study seeks to unearth meaningful discoveries that can contribute to enriching the overall consumer experience. Moreover, the findings are intended to offer valuable recommendations for service establishments and stakeholders operating within the agricultural product retail industry.

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