
Since 1989, various initiatives aimed at supporting humanity, linguistic, information, technical or polytechnical education in basic schools in Slovakia (i.e. at primary and lower secondary schools according to ISCED) were announced and implemented. At the end of 2020 the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic announced its intention to carry out a curricular reform on the level of ISCED 1 and ISCED 2. The article presents starting points and conceptions of both the previous as well as the announced curricular reforms, and subsequently the authors focus on the impact of these reforms on the content of the subject of technology, in frame of which technical education of students at lower level of secondary education is carried out. From the authors' point of view, the curricular reform of the subject of technology should increase students' interest in technically oriented fields of study. In this context, they present results of a research study, the purpose of which was to determine how students evaluate the current content (before the announced reform) of the technology subject.

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