
This research aims to examine the influence of effective tax rates, the existence of transactions with Tax Haven countries, and the aggressiveness of transfer pricing on tax avoidance. This research observed 115 public and private companies in all areas of the Indonesian Tax Authority whose tax disputes over transfer pricing cases had been decided by the Indonesian Tax Court for the 2017-2022 period. This research was carried out using a quantitative approach with cross section data which was then analyzed using multiple regression analysis using the Eviews 12 application. The secondary data for this research came from Financial Reports, Court Decisions and Tax Annual Corporate Reports which had received approval from the Directorate General of Taxes and used initials so as to avoid violations of official secrets. The results of this study indicate that the effective tax rate has an influence but is not significant on tax avoidance. This shows that the effective tax rate or large tax burden of companies, most of which are foreign owned, has not been able to encourage these companies to avoid tax. On the other hand, the existence of transactions with Tax Haven countries and the aggressiveness of transfer pricing have a positive and significant effect on corporate tax avoidance. These results indicate that there are transactions with affiliates in Tax Haven countries and the more aggressive the company is in its transfer pricing policy, it indicates that there is a strong motive to avoid tax.

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