
The paper surveys the global scene and finds it in deep turmoil and heading toward what may eventually be disaster. It analyzes the causes of this and comes to the conclusion that the challenge is one of changing course by making profound transformations at every level and in all spheres to work toward the preferred world of the future that is anchored to the values of autonomy and dignity of the individual and of peoples, equality and justice as principles of social organization, participation in decision-making structures and in the productive process, elimination of oppression and coercion both between and within nations, and harmony between humans, society, nature and technology. One of the indispensable instruments in this process is education that makes an appropriate and adequate response to the present challenge instead of, as at present, preparing for yesterday's reality. Such an education has to be global and holistic in perspective, structural in analysis, informed by humanistic values, oriented to the future and committed to fundamental change. The paper gives a tentative framework for syllabi to this end.

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