
Reviewed by: Contenders: Two Native Baseball Players, One World Series by Traci Sorell Kate Quealy-Gainer, Editor Sorell, Traci Contenders: Two Native Baseball Players, One World Series; illus. by Arigon Starr. Kokila/Penguin, 2023 [48p] Trade ed. ISBN 9780593406472 $18.99 E-book ed. ISBN 9780593406489 $11.99 Reviewed from digital galleys R Gr. 3-5 This dual biography of Charles Bender and John Meyers, two of the few Native American baseball players in the early twentieth century, opens with their meeting at the 1911 World Series. A tense third-person narration calls the game with the breathless drama of any good sportscaster. Just as John scores a run, the book shifts briefly to the racism the two encountered leading up to the game (both were called Chief and endured slurs from both fans and teammates) and then dives back even further into the two men’s childhood. Charles, son of an Ojibwe woman and German man, played baseball while at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, and John’s early experiences with the game were on his Cahuilla nation’s reservation. Both men eventually rose in the baseball ranks to become pros ready to help their teams to victory. The book comes full circle, returning to the World Series and documenting the A’s win, while still focusing on the discrimination the two men endured; a closing note discussed how such racism persists through today’s sports, in the form of offensive team mascots and cheers. The book’s structure keeps readerly engagement throughout, shifting focus among factual details, social commentary, and sports drama. While the tone lacks intimacy, it effectively contextualizes John’s and Charles’ roles in the diversifying of the sport. Illustrations have a classic comic-book like style with rich saturation and bold lines with deep textures. This has broad appeal for history buffs, sports fans, and social-justice minded kids. [End Page 234] Copyright © 2023 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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