
Contemporary Stage Design U.S.A. is a catalogue of the current touring exhibition of the International Theatre Institute of the United States. The exhibition and the catalogue come as a result of two shocks: the first in 1967 in Prague when the Quadrennial of world-wide scene design opened without any participation from the United States; the second. four years later, at the second Prague Quadrennial which also opened without any designers from the United States. When the American designers who had attended the Quadrennial returned to New York. they went to the ITI (US and demanded that something be done about the lack of U.S. participation. The challenge was accepted on the condition that the American scenic artists take the lead in planning, judging. and launching the project. Although first aimed only at participation in the Third Prague in 1975. their efforts expanded into a longer tour. It opened at the Library and Museum of Performing Arts at Lincoln Center. travelled on to the Kennedy Center. moves on to Prague for November ’75. then to the National Theatre in London and returns to the U.S. for a two year tour.

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