
Fractures of the proximal femur are a severe, life-threatening injury with enormous social, medical and economic consequences. Even with a well-organized system of medical care, up to 12-17% of patients die within the first year after injury, and the long-term risk of death doubles. Specially designed population-based studies in the Russian Federation have shown a high incidence of hip fractures in patients at the age of 50 and older. However, there is currently no unified system of medical care organization for all regions of Russia, which allows hospitalization and operation of patients with hip fractures during the first hours after trauma. Hip fracture in an elderly person is an absolute indication for the hospitalization. However most patients have severe comorbidities, osteoporosis, an increased risk of falls and mortality because of any reason. The main surgical treatments for hip fractures include osteosynthesis of the fracture or hip arthroplasty. It is well known that after the occurrence of any fragility fracture the risk of subsequent fractures increases by 2-3 times. To ensure the continuity of patient management, provide prescription of anti-osteoporotic drugs and long-term follow-up of patients it is necessary to manage them within the special Fracture Liaison Services (FLS). The article is devoted to the organization of medical care in patients of older age groups who have received hip fractures. A review of modern approaches to the treatment and organization of care for elderly patients with hip fractures is based on the methodological recommendations «Complex measures aimed at preventing falls and fractures in the elderly» developed in the framework of the federal project «The Older Generation», the draft national clinical guidelines «Fractures of the proximal femur», as well as the results of our own research.


  • The article is devoted to the organization of medical care in patients of older age groups who have received hip fractures

  • A review of modern approaches to the treatment and organization of care for elderly patients with hip fractures is based on the methodological recommendations «Complex measures aimed at preventing falls and fractures in the elderly» developed in the framework of the federal project «The Older Generation», the draft national clinical guidelines «Fractures of the proximal femur», as well as the results of our own research

  • Van den Bekerom M.P., Hilverdink E.F., Sierevelt I.N. et al A comparison of hemiarthroplasty with total hip replacement for displaced intracapsular fracture of the femoral neck: a randomised controlled multicentre trial in patients aged 70 years and over

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Специально спланированные популяционные исследования в Российской Федерации показали высокую частоту ППОБ у пациентов 50 лет и старше: 176 переломов на 100 000 населения у мужчин и 279 случаев на 100 000 у женщин [15]. Проведенных в различных городах Российской Федерации, оказалось, что структура оказания медицинской помощи при ППОБ существенно различается. Ярославле согласно данным сплошного исследования с вовлечением врачей первичного звена для выявления больных с ППОБ, проведенного в 2010–2011 годах [16], травматологами были осмотрены все пациенты с подозрением на наличие такого перелома, рентгенография не выполнена в 2,02% случаев (при категорическом отказе от обращения в травматологический стационар), не были госпитализированы 32 (7,17%) человека, оперативная активность в стационаре составила 77,05%, что в целом среди всех выявленных пациентов с ППОБ выразилось в уровне оперативной активности 71,52% (с учетом отказавшихся от госпитализации) [17].

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