
The book “Contemporary trends in management and administration vol.01, edited and published by South Florida Publishing, brings together ten chapters that address topics of relevance in the context of management and administration. The works are available in Spanish and English. The book will present research that aims to provide a frame of reference for evaluation in the context of thesocial damage from the anthropological interpretation of the residents of the native community of Mayuriaga, due to the loss of quality of life, five years after the oil spill by the of the company Petroperú took place in the Norperuano pipeline in the area of the Morona river in the district of Morona, province of Daten de Marañón, department of Loreto, Peru. Another study featured in the book is a research that aims to discover how the visual narrative structures of the Indonesian horror webtoon are particularly employed to evoke fear in the minds of readers, examining some representative examples of the popular Indonesian horror webtoon: Creep by Ino Septian and Gloomy Sunday by Fanky Landerson. This analysis is conducted by applying the Zpalanzani-Tabrani and Cohn triangulation analysis model enhanced by the addition of the structural story effect theory developed by Brewer and Lichtenstein and some additional units of analysis such as gutter space and color analyses. Another subject addressed is a study whose general objective was to determine the relationship between intercultural and emotional competencies of students of social sciences and tourism at the Faculty of Education of the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión National University. A census museum was held, comprising 176 students. If you recognize the data for the first variable with the guide of intercultural competencies of the center of intercultural studies UNED- España, con ligeras adaptations; for the second variable, the questionnaire on emotional competencies by Daniel Goleman was used. Research is also portrayed that analyzes the market for importing laboratory products in Peru from a descriptive approach. This market has been operating for over 70 years, supplying mainly the health, agribusiness, mining, fishing, and education sectors, but there is little information. The research aims to describe the functioning of the laboratory products import market in Peru and to know, in general, how it was affected by the pandemic. Thus, we thank all authors for their commitment and dedication to their work and we hope to be able to contribute to the scientific community, in the dissemination and dissemination of knowledge, and in the advancement of science.

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