
This article discusses contemporary religious movements in Aceh that are focused on people's rejection of Syiah groups. Religious movements in Aceh show strong dynamics especially after the 2004 tsunami. One of the emerging religious movement groups is the Syiah community, in addition to HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia) and Salafi Wahabism. The Ahlul Bayt (Syiah) groups have been present as the entry of Islam into Aceh is quite influential in society in the context of religious and scientific traditions. The Islamic Sultanate of Pereulak and the Sultanate of Samudera Pasai was influenced by the mazhab (Islamic school) Ahlul Bayt but not the majority and can be broken completely in the period of Aceh Darussalam Sultanate with its Iskandar Muda character. Iskandar Muda and the sultan subsequently perpetuated the mazhab Sunni as the majority school of thought supported by the most muslim scholars. Nevertheless, the Syiah mazhab does not become dominant in society, which is the majority of Sunni schools to date. The people of Aceh as well as the Sunni communities of the Nusantara; In fiqh , Aceh dominated by Syafii school, in aqidah it follows Ash'ari school and in Sufism is influenced by al-Gazali school. This form of rejection can be seen in three ways; Firstly, through the fatwa of the MPU which asserts that the Syiah is a heresy ; Secondly, the Qanun of Islamic Sharia Principles which reinforce that the aqidah adopted by the people of Aceh is ahlussunnah wal jamaah as opposed to the aqidah Ahlul Bayt; Thirdly , the parade of aswaja of community demonstrations that reject the Syiah.

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