
Editors' Introduction I. JEWISH ETHICS A. Literature and Context of 1. Menachem Kellner, The Structure of Ethics: B. Theoretical Issues in 1. Louis Newman, as Law, Law as Religion. 2. David Novak, Natural Law, Halakah, and the Covenant. 3. Harold Schluweid, The Single Mirror of Images. 4. Elliot Dorff, Covenant: Transcendent Thrust in Law: C. Reconceptualizing Ethics in Modern Times: 1. S. Daniel Breslauer, Modernizing American Liberal Dilemma. 2. Eugene Borowitz, The Self. 3. Richard J. Israel, Jewish Tradition and Political Action: D. Methodological Problems: Case of Medical 1. David Elleson, How to Draw Guidance from a Heritage: Moral Choices. 2. Louis Newman, Woodchoppers and Respirators: Problem of Interpretation. 3. Elliot Dorff, Methodology for Medical Ethics. 4. Aaron Mackler, Cases and Principles in Bioethics: E. Alternative Visions of 1. Michael Morgan, Jewish Ethics After the Holocaust. 2. Laurie Zolof-Dorfman, An Ethics of Encounter: Public Choices and Private Acts. 3. Annette Aronowicz, Emmanuel Levinas' Talmudic Commentaries: II: Morality Introduction A. Traditional Virtues and Values: 1. Alfred Jospe, The Meaning of Existence. 2. Sol Roth, Towards a Definition of Humility: B. Perspectives on Sex and Family: 1. David Novak, Some Aspects of Sex, Society and God in Judaism. 2. Arthur Waskow, Down-to-Earth Judiasm: Sexuality. 3. Martha Ackelsberg, Jewish Family Ethics in Post-Halakhic Age. 4. Blu Greenberg, The Theoretical Basis of Women's Equality in Judaism: C. Perspectives on Social Problems: 1. Robert Gordis, Ecology and the Judaic Tradition. 2. Seymour Siegel, A View of Economic Justice. 3. Elie Spitz, Jewish Tradition and Capital Punishment: D. Perspectives on Medical 1. Fred Rosner, Euthanasia. 2. Byron Sherwin, Euthanasia: View. 3. David Feldman, This Matter of Abortion. 4. Sandra Lubarsky, Judaism and the Justification of Abortion for Non-Medical Reasons.: E. Perspectives on Politics and Power: State of Israel: 1. Irving Greenberg, The Ethics Of Power. 2. Judith Plaskow, Feminist Reflections on the State of Israel. 3. David Hartman, Living with Conflicting Values. 4. Einat Ramon, The Ethics of Ruling a State with a Large Non-Jewish Minority: Epilogue: Future of Ethics and Morals

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