
Leadership In Perspective Moral Leadership: An Overview (Al Gini) The Leadership Mystique (Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries) Lessons from the Field: An Essay on the Crisis of Leadership in Contemporary Organizations (James Kranz) A New Vision of Leadership (Marshall Sashkin and William E. Rosenbach) Followership: The Underappreciated Dimension Learn the Art of Followership (Ira Chaleff) Followership (Max De Pree) In Praise of Followers (Robert E. Kelley) Followers as Partners: Taking the Initiative for Action (Thane S. Pittman, William E. Rosenbach, and Earl H. Potter III) Leadership And Competitive Advantage Beyond Cynicism: Building a Culture Which Supports Both Ethical Business Practice and High Performance (Craig Dreilinger) Leadership and Culture Building in Schools (Marshall Sashkin and Molly Goltman Sashkin) Women as Leaders (Kay E. Payne, Harold E. Fuqua Jr., and Joseph P. Canegami) Where Are Our Future Leaders? (Manning Marable) Wanted: Company Change Agents (Stratford Sherman) Leading Learning Organizations (Peter Senge) The Work of Leadership (Ronald A. Heifetz and Donald L. Laurie) On Becoming Better Leaders What Leaders Really Do (John P. Kotter) A View About Vision (Neal Thornberry) Ten Lessons for Leaders and Leadership Developers (Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes) The Rush to Leadership Training (Louis S. Csoka) How Women Can Find Mentors in a World With Few Role Models (Hal Lancaster) The Antileadership Vaccine (John W. Gardner).

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