
The Collapse of The Soviet Union lead to anew regional zone represented by the independent republics in the Central Asia these republics starts to suffer from the security emptiness and the anxiety of their governing regimes due to the immaturity of their security, economic and political experiences. these countries also witnessed an Islamic awakening because of numerous internal and foreign factors. this awakening is embodied by the rise of religious and political movements adopted the principle of establishing Islamic control based on the Islamic law. these movement follow certain strategies which are varied to by either political or militant. this leads to opposing reactions on the part of the leading political members which, in thin, is obliged to confront these movements first by using force and secondly making regional alliances to confront these movements. At the beginning this paper attempied to show the political role of Islam among the people of Central Asia and to investigate the foreign and internal factors which lead to the rise of these Islamic movements, in the region. the paper then tackles the most remarkable Islamic movements, in both Tajakstan and Uzbekstan beside the Islamic movements which established for itselves certain bases many countries of the region. the paper concluded in showing the role of these movements in recasting the security arrangements of the countries in Central Asia


  • ‫( تو يت اسمايات) نيراً يفيد إلقاء القيض علي ض عناصر حزس التحرير ف ال اصمة يييك‬ ‫تهمة انظي هامات د القواعد ال س رية الأمري ية ف أفاااستا ‪.‬‬

  • The Collapse of The Soviet Union lead to anew regional zone represented by the independent republics in the Central Asia these republics starts to suffer from the security emptiness and the anxiety of their governing regimes due to the immaturity of their security, economic and political experiences. these countries witnessed an Islamic awakening because of numerous internal and foreign factors. this awakening is embodied by the rise of religious and political movements adopted the principle of establishing Islamic control based on the Islamic law. these movement follow certain strategies which are varied to by either political or militant. this leads to opposing reactions on the part of the leading political members which, in thin, is

  • ‫على السااء على يذا الدور في حياة مجتمعات المنطسة قاطبة‪.‬‬ ‫بعدد انهيدار الاتحداد السدوفيتي‪ ،‬شدهدت مجتمعدات سديا الوسدطى صدحوة‬ ‫أسلامية خاصة في النصدف الثداني مدن عسدد التسدعينات بفعدل عوامدل داخليدة‬ ‫وخارجية‪ ،‬وأخدذت يدذة الصدحوة أشدكالا متعدددة كدان أبرزيدا‪ ،‬هدور الأحد ازب‬ ‫السياسدية الدينيدة التدي حملدت معهدا مبددأ ت سديس حكدم إسدلامي يسدتند إلدى‬ ‫الشددريعة الإسددلامية‪ ،‬وقددد تجلددت يددذة الصددحوة بدد ح ازب النهاددة الإسددلامية‬ ‫والحركات الإسلامية وحدزب التحريدر الدذد شد طريسد نحدو جمهوريدات سديا‬ ‫الوسدطى مدن أجدل توسديع فكدرة أقامدة دولدة الخلافدة الإسدلامية العالميدة وقدف‬ ‫النمدوذج المعهدود فدي العصدور الإسدلامية الأولدى‪ ،‬وكاندت السدمة المشدتركة‬

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‫( تو يت اسمايات) نيراً يفيد إلقاء القيض علي ض عناصر حزس التحرير ف ال اصمة يييك‬ ‫تهمة انظي هامات د القواعد ال س رية الأمري ية ف أفاااستا ‪.‬‬.

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