
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is considered as one of the most important leading fruit crops of temperate to tropical regions. The grape is gaining popularity for its high nutritive value, excellent in taste, multipurpose use and better economic returns. It is highly remunerative owing to high bearing capability in per unit area. In recent past application of ethrel and GA3 has improved the physical and biochemical characters of grapes which is directly influence on the marketable quality. The combined application of micronutrients (Zn, Fe and Mn) at 0.05 per cent level was very effective in the improving quality of grapes namely uniform large size berry, perfect berries (without shot berry), characteristic color and texture. In view of cultural practice cluster thinning has been provided the highest total anthocyanin content in grapes. Pruning of grapes at two to three buds per cane has been found economically higher yield as well as improve in quality of grapes. Similarly, improvement in berry size, uniform ripening, colour development, increase in TSS, increase in TSS/Acid ratio and firmness of berries were noticed through trunk girdling. This paper reviewed mainly the advance improvements of postharvest quality in grapes through effective application of plant growth regulator, nutrient and contemporary cultural practices.

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