
Green energy is the significant system of renewable energy that represents the sustainability dominion of energy. It comes under government limelight and is a convincing agenda to establish green economy structures and energy systems. Literature suggested industrial models for green and sustainable energy, using technological support and innovation for energy evolutions through extensive sustainable energy programs. Green and sustainable energy is efficient and demands least energy incorporation and decreasing disparities and impacts progressively towards green energy. Efficient energy usage establishes correspondent welfare for energy usage and the environment. Climate concerned regulation and green innovativeness focus on the regulations and the usage of renewable energy sources. Moreover, FDI boosts green energy and green innovation while condensed the usage of fossil energy in developed and developing countries. Moreover, countries need focus on energy bases; hence, they can divert towards green energy and ascents business towards green energy, while accepting the determining factors of energy strains and usage of clean or green energy, since it is vital for establishing improved energy guidelines for future. Continuous efforts are required to focus on modern green bases of energy to prevent harmful and damaging influence of conventional energy usage and energy production. Researches showed significant association between energy usage, industries production and economies progression. However, the growth of green energy bases provides a significant resolution to deal with concerns like energy safety and environmental variations. Where, the steady substituting of conventional energy means with green energy upholds the efforts on sustainability and climate protection since green energy usage shows a significant positioning in backing economies development and progression for many countries.

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