
Relevance. The relevance of the article research is determined by the problem of improving the quality of the educational environment through the wide implementation of various modern innovative means of information and communication technologies, which will expand the capabilities of the educational process. Purpose. The aim of the article is to develop a model of professional information and communication competence formation among educators. Methodology. Leading methods for studying this problem included diagnostic testing “Determination of the style of interpersonal interaction” developed by S. V. Maximov, Y. A. Lobeiko, and “Self-assessment of professional and pedagogical motivation” adapted by N. P. Fetiskin, which allow determining the personal interest of educators to acquire new information and communication technologies and use them in their work in terms of manifestation of educational creative communication within the effective enhancement of the level of informative, accessibility of the teaching and educational process. Results. The article presents a model of development of information and communication competence of educators within the framework of using modern technologies in pedagogical activity, which includes a timely study of information and communication developments and the creation of several schemes of their successful use in conditions of preserving health saving learning environment, for the solution of pedagogical issues and improvement of the educational process which was proposed within the framework of creation and introduction of the training cycle “Pedagogical methods with the use of ICT” with the same name into the sphere of practical education. Conclusions. There, in the factor of obtaining a pedagogical speciality or upgrading this professional qualification educators will acquire knowledge and practical skills in the use in the practice of verification of domestic work, conducting classes, strengthening information and communication contacts through the exploitation of existing developments in the area of information and communication technology, which will have practical significance in the training of highly qualified personnel in the educational sphere.

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