
Lameness in cattle is the third most important health disorder and in order of significance it is immediately after reproductive disorders and diseases of the mammary gland. Lameness in cows leads to a decrease in milk production, weakening of reproductive performance and early excretion. The potential for high milk yield may be lost if lameness occurs in the cows. Green (2002) observed the loss of 360 kg of milk (range 160-550 kg) in cows in lactation with diagnosed lameness, and pointed to the importance of its early detection as well as of elimination of the causes. According to data provided by The National Centre for Animal Helth of the USA from 2002., in 16% of the cows sent to slaughter, the reason for exclusion from the production was lameness. Hernandez (2005) noticed that service period was averagely longer for 36 days in the cows with lameness. Although it takes a significant place, attention is insufficiently paid to lameness in cattle in the health care system in Serbia. However, there are several control measures, which, when applied together, offer a systemic solution for the problem of lameness. Those are: nutrition control, diagnostics of lameness, hoof disinfection and functional correction of the hoof.


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Hromost kod goveda je treći najvažniji poremećaj zdravstvenog stanja i nalazi se po značaju odmah iza reproduktivnih poremećaja i obolјenja mlečne žlezde. Vet. glasnik 69 (5-6) 429 - 442 (2015) Plamen Trojačanec i sar.: Savremeni aspekti kontrole hromosti na farmama goveda životinja. Vet. glasnik 69 (5-6) 429 - 442 (2015) Plamen Trojačanec i sar.: Savremeni aspekti kontrole hromosti na farmama goveda fiziološke i faktore spolјne sredine.

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