
Assessment is an important part to identify the strengths and weaknesses of student learning. Various approaches for module delivery have been implemented, emphasizing the value of student participation and their role in the educational process. This provides an excellent strategy to evaluate students over time and improve their performances. In this study, performance-based assessment as a modern form of assessment presented and discussed. Students' work was gathered in portfolios (Microsoft OneNote) so that their performance, effort, and progress could be monitored and tracked along with the task requirements. Module delivery strategy as a case study is also presented accompanied with the assessment and feedback methods. Additionally, the significance of incorporating students in the feedback process, increasing their capacity to appraise the quality of their own and their peers' work, and fostering their capacity to conduct self-evaluations and develop into independent learners were all covered in detail. The study shows that digitalize written comments to facilitate the feedback process particularly in case of high number of students, with specific and clear criteria will help to give the right feedback at the right time. Furthermore, conducting discussion sessions to get peer feedback and reflection indicated that the understanding of students on the given feedback was improved.

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