
The stormwater runoff may act as a nonpoint pollutant source and contributes to aquatic ecosystem quality decay in urban environments. The aim of this work was to evaluate the runoff characteristics on the transport of total solids and total metals, as well as pH and conductivity responses during the rainfall evolution. During 2017 and 2018, 12 rain events were monitored in 4 sampling stations at a car parking lot located at Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN) in São Paulo/Brazil. A 4-chamber integrated collector allowed the sequential/temporal runoff evolution assessment. The runoff composition, in decreasing order of quantities, was Ca > K > Mg > Si > Al > Fe > Na > Zn > Mn > Sr > Ti > Mo > V > Cu > B > Pb > Ni > Ce > Sb > Cr > La > U > Th > Cd. The amount of total solids, Al, and Fe exceeded the Brazilian water quality standards. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified the elemental clusters linked to the facility activity, soil, and traffic/atmospheric-related deposition. The results show that the runoff characteristics could be differentiated by pollutant source. Factors such as seasonal variation, rain event intensity, air mass from oceanic or continental origin, spatial distribution inside the monitoring area, and the intensity of the first flush must be considered in order to disentangle the elemental clusters and pollution source contributions. In winter, continental air masses were associated with higher concentrations of heavy metals in the surface runoff. Spatial changes with no seasonal variation were observed for U, Th, La, and Ce.

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