
A recent resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe (No. 986–1992) emphasizes that technical innovation is an important and continuing feature of modern society and that it will act as the driving force in commercial and industrial competition for a long while to come. The public draws substantial benefits from this technological progress but has also developed a keen awareness of the supposed effects of certain technologies on the ethical values on which society is based, on health and on the environment. In this context, the issue of risks (particularly those present in certain new technologies) becomes more complex. Despite a general improvement in safety levels and a substantial reduction in traditional risks, new types of risks, far more difficult to calculate and predict, are emerging. This is especially true in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries where these difficulties have been recognized and where safe systems of work and equipment are therefore being developed that can effectively contain potentially hazardous material. Of particular significance over the last 10 years in this area has been the marked improvement in the design and performance of safety cabinets and related containment systems for microbiological use. In the UK this has been due to a number of factors including the implementation of the requirements of BS 5726 1979 (Microbiological safety cabinets) (Anon. 1979) which have been complimentary to the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations (Anon. 1988) which themselves reinforced the Health and Safety at Work Act (Anon. 1974). Taken together, this framework has been responsible for significant improvements to the manufacturing technologies for safety systems, the management of containment systems within laboratories and the awareness by users of the functional requirements that all containment systems must now have.

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