
Development of economy needs an efficient transport system to match support. Single freight transportation model obeys to meet the growing requirement of customers, carriers, and shipments. Container multimodal transport realizes the integration of different modes and it is an advanced transport organization mode. Containers multimodal transport routing selection of directly affects the time and cost. With the increasing serious environmental problems, low carbon transport attracts more attention. Many countries of the world have already started the implementation of carbon tax on carbon emission. At the standpoint of container multimodal transport operators, the paper chooses routing selection as the research object, and summarizes the domestic and foreign research results, analyzing the factors that have effect on routes selection influenced by carbon cost. Then the paper analyzes the composition and calculation of carbon cost and establishes the model of routes selection of container multimodal transport considering carbon cost, and takes one example of Liaodong peninsula to be an empirical analysis, in which considering the capacity restriction and the increasing of carbon rate, analyzing and concluding. The angle and solution of the problem have a certain practical significance for low carbon traffic, and also a guidance for container multimodal transport routes selection decision making according to the request of low-carbon.

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