
The product of multiple authorship by a tier of editors and contributors, most of whom are members of the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, this is the first comprehensive, if not encyclopedic, review of the contact lens field specifically for the ophthalmologist. There is no other single authoritative and definitive updated source of information concerning all aspects of hard, gas permeable, and soft contact lenses. The chief editor, Dr Oliver H. Dabezies, Jr, who was primarily responsible for writing this book, and his editorial review group, Drs Cavanaugh, Farris, and Lemp, state in their preface that there are several purposes behind their endeavor: Contact Lenses is a primer for the beginner but can also be used by the advanced fitter. Fulfilling both purposes would seem a difficult task, but, generally, this two-volume opus succeeds. The format, consisting of loose-leaf pages, allows for future additions that the editors believe will keep

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