
The present study used sensor technology to design a lens that could replace a docto.r It consists of an oxidative stress sensor, a (K+) ion sensor and a pressure sensor placed on a Lotrafilcon A silicone hydrogel lens for early diagnosis, as well as a recording and display device that the user can use on their own, recording 24 hours a day and alerting when needed. Additionally, power will be provided to the sensors for data transmission via an external wireless power transfer device. The oxidative stress sensor detects oxidative stress in the structures of the eye and indicates that the patient may have an abnormal condition like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts. Likewise, the (K +) ion sensor detects the (K +) ion concentration in the ocular cells and detects abnormal conditions where the concentration is elevated. The pressure sensor allows the intraocular pressure of patients diagnosed with glaucoma to be kept under control. This way, diseases can be diagnosed early, and continuous monitoring and control of the disease will be ensured. This will prevent the user from having to make frequent visits to the hospital, while also reducing the workload.

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