
An experimental study is presented on contact angle dynamics during spreading/recoiling of mm-sized water droplets impacting orthogonally on various surfaces with data. Application of hydrodynamic theory indicates that in the slow stage of forced spreading the slip length and the microscopic contact angle should be contact line velocity dependent. The hydrodynamic theory performs well during kinematic (fast) spreading, in which solid/liquid interactions are weak. Application of the molecular kinetic theory yields physically reasonable molecular wetting parameters, which, however, vary with impact conditions. The results indicate that even for a single liquid there is no universal expression to relate contact angle with contact line speed. Finally, analysis of the spreading dynamics on the non-wettable surfaces shows that it conforms to the Cassie-Baxter regime (only partial liquid/solid contact is maintained). The present results offer guidance for numerical or analytical studies, which require careful attention to the implementation of boundary conditions at the moving contact line, including the need to specify the dependence of contact angle on contact line speed.

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