
The growth in access of low income consumers to the internet has taken them to use the net in search of entertainment, education and relationships. However, consuming online is still an activity surrounded by distrust. The present study aims to discuss the reasons why low income consumers have apprehension in consuming through the internet. For this, in depth interviews were conducted with 23 low income consumers. The collected data shows that the internet is still seen by the interviewees as being, mainly, for leisure and entertainment. Online shopping still is a task they fear, because of different motives. Initially, one can point the preference to consume in physical stores, since the consumers can touch the desired product, enjoy the trip to the store as a moment of pleasure and the possibility of interacting with salesmen, who help them in their choice. The apprehensions in buying online are also influenced by the perception that sites are not safe, because they offer threats, such as viruses or theft of personal information. Furthermore, interviewees believe that online stores are not compromised with their customers, since they permit problems to occur in the delivery of merchandise, are not clear about the shopping process, and create difficulties in payment method. Another reason for them not to buy online is the perception that if a negative consuming episode of online shopping happened to someone they know, it is also bound to happen with them. Despite this reasoning, these consumers point the importance of help from a third party in their reference group as main incentive for them to face the obstacles to consuming through the internet. In conclusion, it is possible to consider that low income consumers have apprehensions that are similar to their higher income peers, but, also, show different feelings, which are seldom discussed in the literature about online shopping.


  • El mayor acceso de consumidores de baja renta a Internet los lleva a utilizar la red virtual para buscar entretenimiento, educación y relaciones sociales

  • A partir do momento em que a economia se estabilizou, aumentando o poder de compra dos brasileiros, o segmento da base da pirâmide social passou a comprar produtos e serviços antes só acessíveis a consumidores de classes econômicas mais elevadas

  • Inicialmente, buscou-se entender os pensamentos dos respondentes sobre a internet, de uma forma geral, e os acessos à rede

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Desde que Prahalad referiu-se à fortuna na base da pirâmide (PRAHALAD; HART, 2002), atenção empresarial e acadêmica tem sido dada a questões relacionadas a consumidores de baixa renda. A partir do momento em que a economia se estabilizou, aumentando o poder de compra dos brasileiros, o segmento da base da pirâmide social passou a comprar produtos e serviços antes só acessíveis a consumidores de classes econômicas mais elevadas. Barros (2009) mostra que, embora a internet esteja presente na vida de indivíduos de baixa renda, a compra de produtos e serviços on-line ainda é uma atividade que gera desconfiança nos mesmos. Estudos dedicados a entender receios associados a compras pela internet são realizados com públicos, predominantemente com segmentos cujos níveis de renda são mais elevados, tanto no Brasil (GONÇALVES FILHO, 2000; KOVACS; FARIAS, 2004) quanto no exterior (GLOVER; BENBASAT, 2011; SOOPRAMANIEN, 2011). Dessa forma, as informações trazidas aqui podem contribuir para entender melhor se há semelhanças ou diferenças nos receios que esses consumidores possuem de consumir pela internet

A internet e o consumidor de baixa renda
Riscos percebidos em consumir pela internet
Relação com a internet
A preferência por comprar em lojas físicas do que em sites comerciais
A importância de um terceiro para realizar compras on-line
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