
Celebrity endorsement (CE) is a popular strategy in advertising, where famous individuals are used to promote products or services to consumers. The rationale behind using celebrities in advertising is that their fame and popularity can influence consumers' purchasing decisions, as they may associate the celebrity's image and reputation with the product or service being promoted. However, there are concerns about the effectiveness of CE and whether it actually leads to increased sales and brand loyalty. Consumers' perceptions of CE commercials are significantly influenced by the legitimacy of the celebrity endorsement. Customers are more likely to be persuaded by the celebrity endorsement if they believe that they can trust and believe the celebrity. The effectiveness of the endorsement may suffer, though, if the celebrity's credibility is called into doubt or if they have been associated with any unpleasant or contentious incidents. The purpose of this study is to investigate how consumers feel about CE advertisements. The study looks at the variables that affect consumers' perceptions of CE, including as the celebrity endorser's authority, the perceived fit between the endorser and the product, and the consumer's level of participation with the product. The findings of this study provide insights into how consumers perceive CE advertisements and can help marketers to design more effective marketing campaigns.

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