
In contemporary times, individuals commonly employ a combination of conventional and modern approaches to get products and services, driven by shifts in consumer purchasing patterns. This is seen in the growing preference for cashless payment methods when making purchases. This study aims to examine the elements that impact customers' perception of online shopping in Kota Samarahan and assess the correlation between two variables that influence consumers' impression of online shopping. The sample approach employed for this investigation is random simple sampling. The data was obtained using a survey conducted in person, where participants scanned a QR code to access the questionnaire. A total of 208 respondents were included in this survey, and the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and Pearson correlations. This study identified four factors that impact consumers' impression of online purchasing. The study identified four distinct characteristics that influenced customers' view of online buying: convenience, website design/feature, time efficiency, and security. These aspects were considered independent variables, while consumers' perception of online shopping was the dependent variable. All the results from the correlation coefficient data were determined to be positive, suggesting a direct association between the variables.

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