
A consumer review website (CRW) is a web-basedtype of platform that provides information on one’s perspective. In this case, the information provided is a review of a particular object. This information can be used as a spatial database because the object being assessed has spatial attributes in the form of geotagging. One form of CRW is the Zomato application, which provides information on ratings of various types of dining objects (cafes, fine dining, quickbites, stalls). This study utilizes attribute data available in the Zomato application to map the restaurant's popularity index's spatial distribution in the city of Bandung. The popularity index is built based on the rating of consumers of a restaurant. This study utilizes the application program interface (API) owned by Zomato to get restaurant location data and rating attributes. The popularity index value is divided into three group classifications: high, medium, and low popularity. This study concludes that high, average, low popularity restaurants are clustering in Bandung. The majority of the restaurants are closer to collector roads rather than arterial roads. The hotels are closer to most of the restaurants, especially the high-popularity restaurants, while only a few restaurants near the malls.

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