
This study looks into how well-informed consumers are about e-banking services and how much risk they feel comes with using them. The findings imply that although most customers are aware of e-banking services, their comprehension of the hazards involved is generally lacking. Security worries, like the possibility of fraud and identity theft, are primarily responsible for the perceived danger. The study also found that clients who are more aware of e-banking services tended to view risk as being lower. These findings have significant ramifications for banks and policymakers in terms of upgrading security measures and improving customer education to lower the perceived risk associated with e-banking services. In the current digital era, consumer awareness and perceptions of the risk associated with ebanking services have grown more crucial. Consumers can manage their accounts quickly and conveniently with the help of e-banking services, but some risks are involved. The present status of research on consumer awareness and perceived risk of e-banking services is summarised in this study

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