
Background. Constructions with predicative forms with -но, -то are the basic means of expression of impersonality as a significant feature of formal writing. They are considered as a constituent of passive paradigm, also with traditionally included constructions with -ся-ending verbs and with predicative participles with -ний, -тий endings. The question of content and status of passive paradigm in the system of the Ukrainian language, hierarchy and structural features of its constituents remains controversial.Purpose. To define the status of constructions with predicative forms with -но, -то endings in the passive paradigm, their structural features, specific of functioning and correlation with other types of passive constructions in administratively-office substyle of the modern Ukrainian language.Methods. In order to achieve the set aims, the following methods are applied: descriptive-analytical, component, distributive, and transformation analysis. Actual material for research has been gathered by the method of continuous sampling from teaching guides and reference books from the formal communication of the end of 20th century – beginning of 21st century.Results. Constructions with -ся-ending verbs are excluded from the passive paradigm in the newest researches, and they are found on the extreme periphery of the syntactic system of the Ukrainian language. However, the active usage of these constructions in the bookish communication demonstrates their gradual transition from extreme periphery to the center of the syntactic system, which results in forming a periphery of passive paradigm by constructions with predicative forms with -но,‑то-endings and participles with ‑ний,‑тий-endings. The choice of this type of passive construction depends mainly on own tastes of compilers of teaching guides and reference books, whose language taste is formed mainly because of the insufficient level of speech culture.Discussion. Impersonality of constructions with ‑но,‑то-ending predicative forms predetermines their prevalence in the documents, where attention is concentrated on completion of action and its result, but not on a performer. More active and communicatively justified usage of organic for the Ukrainian syntax double-base constructions with impersonal forms in the formal communication will cause fixing them as central link of passive paradigm and proceeding the national identity of business texts, because it will approach literary Ukrainian to vivid folk language, which concentrates predicativeness in a verb.

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