
TextLet A be a set of finite integers, defineA+A={a1+a2:a1,a2∈A},A−A={a1−a2:a1,a2∈A}, and for non-negative integers s and d definesA−dA=A+⋯+A︸s−A−⋯−A︸d. A More Sums than Differences (MSTD) set is an A where |A+A|>|A−A|. It was initially thought that the percentage of subsets of [0,n] that are MSTD would go to zero as n approaches infinity as addition is commutative and subtraction is not. However, in a surprising 2006 result, Martin and O'Bryant proved that a positive percentage of sets are MSTD, although this percentage is extremely small, about 10−4 percent. This result was extended by Iyer, Lazarev, Miller, and Zhang [ILMZ] who showed that a positive percentage of sets are generalized MSTD sets, sets for {s1,d1}≠{s2,d2} and s1+d1=s2+d2 with |s1A−d1A|>|s2A−d2A|, and that in d-dimensions, a positive percentage of sets are MSTD.For many such results, establishing explicit MSTD sets in 1-dimensions relies on the specific choice of the elements on the left and right fringes of the set to force certain differences to be missed while desired sums are attained. In higher dimensions, the geometry forces a more careful assessment of what elements have the same behavior as 1-dimensional fringe elements. We study fringes in d-dimensions and use these to create new explicit constructions. We prove the existence of generalized MSTD sets in d-dimensions and the existence of k-generational sets, which are sets where |cA+cA|>|cA−cA| for all 1≤c≤k. We then prove that under certain conditions, there are no sets with |kA+kA|>|kA−kA| for all k∈N. VideoFor a video summary of this paper, please visit https://youtu.be/rojbhVqN90Q.

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