
Shewhart's charts are powerful tools in Statistical Process Control (SPC) and are widely used. Usually, Shewhart's charts are depending on the normality assumption. The control charts rely on normality assumptions, which is not always the case for industrial data. Skewness correction and an alternate technique of constructing non-normality control charts for persons The proposes of this paper is to use a skewness correction SC control chart to monitor or construct the control chart for the skewness distribution. The SC chart or the new control chart compared with the Shewhart and weighted variance (WV) control. The probability of exceeding out-of-control detections is also accomplished under a normal curve, the probability that a deviation from the means of the 3σ limit in both directions is 0.0027. Change with the sample size leads to an increase in skewness distribution, leading to a relative increase in the type-Ι error. Reference: M. A., Majed H. A S. (2016). SCALED WEIGHTED VARIANCE S CONTROL CHART FOR SKEWED POPULATIONS, 15th September 2016. Vol.91. No.1 M A.,Majed H. A.,Ali A. (2020). Enhancing R control Chart Performance in Monitoring Process Dispersion Using Scaled Weighted Varianceb Method for Skewed population .Medwell journal 2020 K. ,Berna.Y. ,(2005), The Individuals Control Chart In Case of Non-Normality, Vol. 5,Issue 2 I Li, Nan-C. Su ,(2014). Design of X And R Control Charts For Skew Normal Distributed Data Montegomery (2019). Introduction To Statistical Quality Control ,6th edition Lai K. C., Heng J.,C (2003). Skewness Correction X and R charts for Skewed Distributions, Wiley D. , Hamurkaroglu. C. (2012) , Control Charts for Skewed Distributions Weibull, Gamma and Lognormal, Vol.9, No 2 2012 Michael .B. C. Khoo, Zhang WU, (2008). A SYNTHETIC CONTROL CHART FOR MONITORING THE PROCESS MEAN OF SKEWED POPULATIONS BASED ON THE WEIGHTED VARIANCE METHOD, Vol 15, No 3, 2008. Mans E. (2008). A simulation method For Skewness Correction .Dec 2008 Mostapha A,(2020). EWMA Control Chart For Skewed Distribution, Graduate School of Science and Engineering of Hacettepe University as a Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the Award of the degree of Masters in Statistics. Osaman H.A.,Muhammad A.,(2018) ,A new Generalized Ra ng Control Chart for the Weibull Distribution,Wiley 2018. Rao R.S, Pushpa L. (2016). Skewness Corrected Control Charts For two Inverted CHPSS pecial Issue 10. Dec. 2016, han , Rashid M. Muhammad R.,(2015), On Efficient Skewnes Correction Charts Under Contamintion and Non-Normality,2015 John Willey Thomas P.,(2003). The Six Sigma Handbook, Revised and Expanded, McGraw –Hill.

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