
Wu, H.; Liu, S.; Wang, J., and Yang, T., 2020. Construction safety risk assessment of bridges in the marine environment based on CRITIC and TOPSIS models. In: Yang, D.F. and Wang, H. (eds.), Recent Advances in Marine Geology and Environmental Oceanography. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 108, pp. 206–210. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.To accurately assess the safety risk level of bridge construction in the marine environment, this study puts forward a safety risk evaluation model by comprehensively using the CRITIC and TOPSIS methods. First, from the five dimensions of men, machines, materials, methods, and environment, this paper identified and constructed a construction safety risk evaluation index system for bridges in the marine environment, aided by expert opinions and literature research. This index system included 16 secondary indexes, and the risk classification standard of each index was determined. Then, the CRITIC model was used to calculate the weights of secondary indexes, and the TOPSIS model was used to evaluate the risk level of construction safety. The results for Tangshan Zhongshan Bridge Project showed the key technology scheme, and the key technologies that had the greatest weight. The risk level of this bridge was medium risk, and its construction safety risk level was the highest in spring. The case analysis in this paper is consistent with engineering practice, which proves the scientific suitability effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper.

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