
Quantum entanglement is essential for some applications of quantum information processing such as quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation and superdence coding. A qubit is a two level quantum system and four two-qubit entangled states called Bell states can be easily obtained for two-qubit states. A qutrit is a three level quantum system and Zeeman levels of spin-1 electron or nucleus can be referred as qutrit. For SI (S=1, I=1) spin system there exist nine two-qutrit states. So nine two-qutrit entangled states can be obtained by using the Hadamard and CNOT logic gates. In this study by considering N+@C60 molecule as SI (S=1, I=1) spin system, two-qutrit entangled states are also obtained by using the magnetic resonance selective pulse sequences of Hadamard and CNOT logic gates. Then it is shown that these entangled states can be transformed into each other by the suggested transformation operators.

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