
In the context of college education, education in physical in medical schools should focus on cultivating and strengthening students' physical fitness, mobilizing students to actively participate in sports, and improving their comprehensive quality. Therefore, in the process of implementing education in physical, medical schools should fully recognize the importance of education in physical for students, and on this basis, enable students to obtain more sports knowledge and exercise opportunities. However, at present, modern education in physical is generally adopted in China's colleges and universities, and in this process, there is a lack of curriculum teaching combined with traditional national sports. However, for college students, these traditional sports activities are valuable assets for the development of education in physical, and education in physical in the new era should attach importance to and carry forward history and integrate it into education in physical in the new era. At present, the content and elements of traditional national sports courses covered in China's college education in physical courses are relatively small, therefore, from the perspective of cultural inheritance, medical schools should integrate traditional national sports into education in physical, build a relatively complete teaching system, and at the same time, have a certain understanding and mastery of certain traditional national sports in order to design a scientific and reasonable teaching program. In this regard, based on the perspective of cultural inheritance, this paper first analyses the current situation of traditional national education in physical in medical schools, and then focuses on exploring the construction strategy of traditional national education in physical teaching model in medical schools, in order to provide reference for relevant personnel.

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