
Viewed by medicine specialists sport care is regarded now days as an Important part in the field of sports medicine . It is used in treating enhancing and protecting individuals from the injuries caused by practicing sports activities by using medical devices . Specialists in the field of sports medicine as well as those who have experience in treating of the problems caused due to practicing sports activities are working in this field So , sports medicine became the umbrella for agroup of sciences and specialization and not to limited us in the field of treatment of sports injuries . It plays an important role now in protection , enhancement , and observation as well as selection and measurement , the research aims at reaching ameasurment used to observe difficulties faced in the field of sports medicine in order to evaluate the problems posed in working in the field of sports viewed by specialist as well as those who are working in the field of sports medicine and physicians.The researcher supposes that the axis of vocational specialization as well as that of training are the most difficult duties in sport medicine.The sample of the research is a group of phsicians &those working in the treatment field of sports medicine as well as lecturers of the college of physical education and the medicine institution in the provinces of Baghdad, Ninevah,Erbil,Duhok & Sulaimania.Questionier &the individual meeting were followed as well the analysis of the references and document which were used to obtain the information . The researcher concluded that the most frequent difficulties faced in working in the field of sports medicine according to the sample of the research one the axes of the abilities and training the researcher also concluded that the axis of the relationship is a secondary problem as seen by the most physicians , specialists as well as those working in the field of sports medicine.


  • Viewed by medicine specialists sport care is regarded days as an Important part in the field of sports medicine. It is used in treating enhancing and protecting individuals from the injuries caused by practicing sports activities by using medical devices

  • Specialists in the field of sports medicine as well as those who have experience in treating of the problems caused due to practicing sports activities are working in this field So, sports medicine became the umbrella for agroup of sciences and specialization and not to limited us in the field of treatment of sports injuries

  • The researcher concluded that the most frequent difficulties faced in working in the field of sports medicine according to the sample of the research one the axes of the abilities and training the researcher concluded that the axis of the relationship is a secondary problem as seen by the most physicians, specialists as well as those working in the field of sports medicine

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Viewed by medicine specialists sport care is regarded days as an Important part in the field of sports medicine. ‫في السابق " ‪) .‬قبع ‪(١١ : ١٩٨٩ ،‬‬ ‫وهنا تكمن أهمیة البحث في بناء مقیاس لتحدید معوقات عمل الطب الریاضي من خلال‬ ‫د ارسة واقع العمل والمشاكل التي تواجهه ‪.‬والتي من خلاله یمكن العمل على رفع كفـاءة العـاملیین‬ ‫فــي مجــال الطــب الریاضــي وتــشجیع التخــصص ‪،‬وتقــدیم المــشورة فیمــا یتعلــق بخــدمات الطــب‬ ‫‪ -١-٥-١‬المجـال البـشري ‪ :‬الأطبـاء والمعـالجین العـاملین فـي مجـال الطـب الریاضـي والاطبـاء‬ ‫وتدریسي كلیة وأقسام التربیة الریاضیة – والمعاهد الصحیة ‪.‬‬

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