
Gate sizing in VLSI design is a widely-used method for power or area recovery subject to timing constraints. Several previous works have proposed gate sizing heuristics for power and area optimization. However, finding the optimal gate sizing solution is NP-hard, and the suboptimality of sizing solutions has not been sufficiently quantified for each heuristic. Thus, the need for further research has been unclear.In this work, we describe a new benchmark generation approach for leakage power-driven gate sizing (the subject of the forthcoming ISPD-2012 contest) which constructs realistic circuit netlists with known optimal solutions. The generated netlists resemble real designs in terms of gate count, maximum path depth, interconnect complexity (Rent parameter), and net degree distributions. Using these benchmark circuits with known optimal gate size, we have studied the suboptimality of several leakage-driven gate sizing heuristics, including two commercial tools, with respect to key circuit topology parameters. Our study shows that common sizing methods are suboptimal for realistic benchmark circuits by up to 52.2% and 43.7% for Vt-assignment and gate sizing formulations, respectively. The results also suggest that (1) commercial tools may still suffer from significant suboptimality, and/or (2) existing methods have similar degrees of suboptimality.

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