
With the proposal of smart city, the construction industry is also undergoing earth shaking changes, and prefabricated buildings emerge as the times require with the development of society. Prefabricated architecture has been widely concerned, it has many advantages compared with traditional architecture. The purpose of this paper is to study the construction of prefabricated buildings in smart city. On the basis of classification, this paper analyzes the characteristics and structural classification of prefabricated concrete buildings, and discusses the relationship between PC component prefabrication rate, component repetition rate and construction cost; this paper puts forward the digital deepening design of prefabricated components, the establishment of prefabricated component information model, parametric component reinforcement design and other research methods. In this paper, BIM Technology in the design stage of prefabricated buildings This paper points out that BIM Technology can effectively solve the current technical and management problems, which is conducive to the promotion and application of prefabricated buildings. Finally, we adopt various forms of expression, and show the research results to users intuitively. The experimental results show that the cumulative cost of PC components is 2001 yuan / m3, of which the investment cost and equipment amortization is 509.77, accounting for 25.47% of the PC component cost. Although the advantages of prefabricated buildings have been generally recognized, compared with the traditional construction methods, the cost is higher.

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