
On the network service platform for vocational education, there are currently over 10,000 online courses. Learners face a challenge in selecting interesting courses from the vast resources available. Learners’ urgent need for personalized learning is becoming more apparent as educational informatization progresses. Personalized recommendation (PR) technology can aid personalized learning and increase learners’ learning efficiency significantly. This paper constructs a smart classroom model based on AI (artificial intelligence) by studying the connotation and characteristics of smart classroom in light of the current research status and trend of smart classroom at home and abroad. The merits of the recommendation system are determined by the recommendation algorithm used by PR system. This paper primarily focuses on developing a personalized learning platform based on the CF (collaborative filtering) algorithm, as well as conducting system requirements analysis, database design, functional module design, implementation, and testing on this foundation. Experiments are carried out to see if the optimized PR algorithm in the network learning platform is effective.

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