
As an important role in life activities, it is necessary and important to study protein glycosylation. The pre-enrichment of N-glycopeptides is a significant step in glycoproteomics research. According to the inherent size, hydrophilicity and other properties of N-glycopeptides, affinity materials designed to match them will be able to separate N-glycopeptides from complex samples. In this work, we designed and prepared dual-hydrophilic hierarchical porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) nanospheres by metal-organic assembly (MOA) based template method and post-synthesis modification strategy. The hierarchical porous structure significantly improved the diffusion rate and binding sites for N-glycopeptide enrichment. Furthermore, the combination of hydrophilic MOFs and small molecules endowed the as-prepared MOFs nanospheres excellent hydrophilicity, which is conducive to the enrichment of N-glycopeptides based on hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC). Therefore, the nanospheres showed surprising enrichment ability for N-glycopeptides such as excellent selectivity (1/500, human serum immunoglobulin G/bovine serum albumin, m/m) and extremely low detective limitation (0.5 fmol). Meanwhile, 550 N-glycopeptides were identified from rat liver samples, proving its application potential in glycoproteomics research and providing design idea for porous affinity materials.

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