
The objective of this work was the construction and test of an automated germination chamber, capable to provide the proper ambiance to conduct germination tests. Thermoperiod and photoperiod were controlled by means of an Arduino microcontroller. Energy consumption, construction and operation costs were analysed and compared to a market available germination chamber. Four replications of germination tests using Eucalyptus grandis seeds, under 17.5 °C, 25.0 °C and 30.0 °C, air relative humidity higher than 90% and germination paper as substrate were conducted. The seeds attained average germination of 89.33 per replication, considering average seedlings. The results found were in-line to the document Rules for Seed Analysis. Economical evaluation indicate 62% higher operation costs for the alternative model, yet for financial analysis (taking into consideration equipment purchase costs), indicate similar costs (3% difference), what indicates that the alternative chamber would be a suitable choice for business with smaller demand in seed testing.

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