
Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT) has demonstrated considerable promise in the treatment of a range of cancers in both preclinical and, more recently clinical research. In particular, work with the alpha-emitting radionuclide 225Ac has been effectively employed due to the relatively rapid decay cascade that leads to 4 alpha and 2 beta emissions. One limitation for TAT has been caused by access to the vital radionuclide. Traditionally, 225Ac has been sourced from thorium/actinium generators based on the alpha decay of stockpiles of 229Th. 229Th is itself the alpha-decay product from 233U. Due to proliferation issues associated with 233U, only three thorium/actinium generators have been reported in the literature, capable of supporting clinical research. This paper describes the construction and operation of a thorium/actinium radionuclide generator at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, capable of supporting preclinical and limited clinical research in the area of TAT. Thorium was recovered and purified by a combination of anion exchange and extraction chromatography from aged 233U stockpiles. A separation scheme for 225Ra and 225Ac has been developed, based upon the chemical composition of the thorium material to allow for regular, routine milkings capable of supplying up to 3.7 GBq (100 mCi) of radiochemically pure 225Ac annually. This routine separation is accomplished using a combination of anion exchange chromatography to separate Ac and Ra isotopes from Th and extraction chromatography employing TEVA and DGA-N resins to separate actinium from radium and breakthrough thorium.

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